The goal of ShuQi.org is to provide information about the Asian actress Shu Qi. Our primary focus is her movies.

Shu Qi has made a lot of softcore porn pictures, you can find a few of them in the multimedia section, but the rest you have to find yourself.

We also aim to provide detailed information on all DVDs available with Shu Qi films.


Head to your nearest online store. You may want to check out the link section. Get a hold of the following films...

Extreme Crisis

Because it's a damn good action movie, and Shu Qi is so cute.

Portland Street Blues

To view one of Shu Qi's best performances.

My Loving Trouble 7

How do you play with a straight face in a wacky comedy/ action movie? Check out Shu Qi's performance and you've got the answer.

That's it! Now you're hooked up with our favorite Shu Qi films. If you love them there are more where they came from, and we guarantee you'll find other things to love on this site.

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